Club Penguin Island Adventure Party

Today, The Adventure Party has been released! Here is how to complete the Scavenger Hunt! To start go to Rockhopper’s Ship and click on the note!

Then, go to the ice burg and throw fish at the shadow until you get the telescope!

3: Go to the Dock and rebuild the ship!

After you build it you will be awarded with the feadther pin!

4: Go to the Forest and climb up the ladder play the drums to sound like the birds


5: Go to the cove and drill on the red X

Then you will recieve the lat pin and this message will appear!

You have now completed the Scavenger Hunt!


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Club Penguin Official: Adventure Party 2011

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Club Penguin Blog: Questions This Week

Hello Penguins!

Each week we get asked all kinds of different questions. Here are 3 questions we’ve heard lately:

How do I edit furniture in my igloo?

Why am I stuck at a blue, black or white screen?

  • Try clearing the cache on your web browser to get the latest files. You may have to do this a couple times. Here’s how:
  • It’s worth clearing your cache every week. You might run into problems less often by using free browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Make sure you ask for permission before you install anything.

Is Rockhopper coming to the Adventure Party?

  • Check the telescope at the top of the Lighthouse for a hint…

Did you find this post helpful?  Are there other questions you’ve always wanted answered?  Let us know in the comments below.

Until then… Waddle On!


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Club Penguin: Amazing Igloo Partys

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New July-August Better Igloos!

Hey Penguins, today along with two new igloo songs for the igloo music which are Jungle Jangles and Island Adventure, the new Better Igloos Catalog came out take a look!

Now here are all the cheats!

That’s all the cheats!


Categories: Uncategorized

Club Penguin Better Igloos Catalog

Hey Penguins, The New Igloo Upgrades are out! Take a look!

Here is the only cheat!



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Island Adventure Party Construction!

Hey Penguins! They have put out the construction for the party! Check out the Town!

Get ready to party!


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New Gold Anchor Pin!

Hello Penguins, Today the new Gold Anchor Pin has been released in Club Penguin! Here’s how to get it!

1. Login to Club Penguin

2. Click on your map

3. Go to the Iceburg

4. Go by the rigged end of the iceburg


Well, now you have the latest released pin!

Waddle on!


Categories: Uncategorized

Club Penguin Times Issue #299

Hey Penguins! Today, Club Penguin Times is hot off the press! Take a look at the front page! It’s about calling Rockhopper with the Flare Flinger 300!

Then, it goes on to talk about the new Igloo Upgrades!

Now, here are the Upcoming Events!

July 22- Island Adventure Party

July 22- Pirating Postcards

July 22- Rockhopper Arrives!

July 29- New Pin

New Party Soon! Are you ready?


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CP games cheats

Click on the name of the game you want to view!

Take your Aqua Grabber and explore the deep oceans of Club Penguin!

Use your ship to destroy the barriers in your way!

Help the Coffee Shop collect their coffee bags from the truck!

Help your penguin find a new light bulb for the Ice Rink!

Take a mine cart and surf down the tracks!

Take a surf board on 3 kinds of modes, Survival, Competition, and Freestyle!

Make a a lot of cool beats to earn coins!

Ride on the back of a boat jumping and dodging different objects!

Catch as many fish as possible! Aim for catching the mullet at the end!

Fly your jetpack into the skies of Club Penguin!

Spend a day with your puffle outside doing things!

There are many hungry customers! Can you feed them in time?

Puffles are stuck in the mine cave! Help them out in 3 levels!

Collect puffles for the Pet Shop so they can sell them!

Move the black puffle all around the ice paths!

Treasure Hunt
When Rockhopper’s in town, check out this partner game in his Quarters!

Can you defend the System from the Evils of CP?

Launch Puffles through 3 different world of fun!

Match the bolts up to create new Robots!

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